Outreach America's

Sports Camp

for boys ages 8-11

for boys ages 8-11

for boys ages 8-11

June 10-14, 2024

We're FULL!

We're Full!

We're FULL!

Boy playing in the battledome
Boy playing in the battledome
boys celebrating belly flop winner
boys celebrating belly flop winner


Sports Camp can sometimes be an ambiguous title for a camp program.

To set expectations in the proper place, we're not an elite athletic training experience. Sports Camp incorporates a variety of classic sports and team games to develop a competitive atmosphere.

We have campers that are athletes, some are nerds, gamers, adventurers, always a few Lego masters, bookworms, and any interest you can imagine. We've seen it all and Sports Camp has something to offer every single one of them. Athletics are the tool, not the target.

For many of our younger campers this will be the first time they've swung a bat or caught a ten yard pass. Our staff is so unreal. They are there to encourage and instruct those less athletically inclined and they do it so well. Every year we get messages about campers that return home with a newfound love for something they hadn't tried. Let camp be an exploratory time for your camper.


We build boys.

It's our deepest passion. Through the challenging and competitive nature of a camp experience we're able to pull out value in every single camper. Boys deeply desire to be validated. We train our staff to seek for those opportunities. The cabin environment is such a wonderful catalyst for this. It's a tribe. We often use the metaphor of a chain. Each boy in a link in the chain of that cabin. They all provide value to the whole in one way or another. The task is finding that special quality and using it as a self-image booster shot.

More importantly we want your camper to come home with an identity that's not based on their abilities, what someone said about them, their grades, or dashing looks. We want every camper to root their core self in the truth of Christ's view of them. The foundation that never changes. Never fails. Never relents. When the storms of life come, and they will, they need a ship that can weather those seas. They'll strike out, get criticism, fail a test, and get old. The only constant is Christ.


Camp is thrill on a sugar high. Sometimes the whole staff feels like the week of activities is just one long hype train. We do some really cool stuff. It's out of the box, occasionally dramatic, and ridiculously fun. They'll play insane group games, dodgeball for days, and get a taste of virtually every major sport in the country.

It's a lot to take in. It can be exhausting. Especially when you add in a week with temps in the 90's. We hydrate and sunscreen campers religiously to ease the days. There's also a mandatory chill period every day simply to relax and reset. After the post-camp stories subside on the route home, fully expect for your camper to hibernate for a day or two.

Spiritually it can be strenuous as well. Many campers are coming in with all sorts of baggage from school, home, and extracurriculars. Camp can give them some reprieve, but more importantly it can begin a process of working through those issues. We encourage you to be mindful and sensitive to that. It may provide opportunities that weren't previously there. It may strengthen something in their soul.

We're nitrous to the tank. You're the gas that keeps them moving.


We don't hide it. Our deepest desire and intention is for your camper to encounter Christ in a real and transformative way. We generally have sessions every morning and evening. Our model is a slow build to Thursday. We acknowledge change doesn't happen overnight. Our program facilitates that with strong faith-based messages throughout the week, training and discipling your young man into a greater knowledge and deeper love of his Creator.

We're eternity minded. We're in the kingdom building business and camp provides a unique place to plant those seeds. Occasionally we're asked why we don't do coed camps. There's many reasons, but foremost it's the distraction. With the freedom for boys to simply be themselves, we get an inner focus, almost stoic at times, that wouldn't be there if they were trying to impress someone across the meeting room aisle the entire week. They can be vulnerable and broken if called for. They can let God work in their lives.

Be praying for your camper. Ask for discomfort, challenge, struggle followed by victory and overcoming. Pray for soft hearts and sound minds. Pray for the New Man. Most of all, pray for the Spirit to move in a mighty, unmistakable way in their life.

Sports Camp Cost and Details



per camper

5 days and 4 nights of an unparalleled life adventure

5 days and 4 nights of an

unparalleled life adventure

All-inclusive activities, zero additional costs

All-inclusive activities,

zero additional costs

Full buffet menu for every meal

Full buffet menu for

every meal

Lodging, educational material, and extra swag included

Lodging, educational

material, and extra swag





Are there discounts available?

What if my camper can't swim?

What is check-in like?

Can my camper pick his own bunk?

Can I request a roommate for my camper?

What is the Awards Ceremony and will my camper recieve an award?

What about cell phones, tablets, or other devices?

Should they bring sporting equipment?

Our Overview

Our Approach

Our Experience

Our Impact